Ehrman stumbling over the three gods or one god thing is humorous, but a good point. When I was a young theology student I always had trouble with the concept […]

I think I first saw it on CNet, but it wasn’t until PZ Myers promoted that I got my piece of the sacrilege. Anyway, I’m on track 8, “Bloody Mary,” from […]

I’ve fixed the bug I created with the initial DISQUS setup up, but everything appears to be working. I have turned off moderation and hope to never have to turn […]

Every so often Christians will challenge atheists to turn to god, to at least try it. I’ve even heard it presented as trying like a scientific experiment. When this challenge […]

I am in the process of setting up DISQUS. Livefyre’s system seems to be just a little better than DISQUS, but their blogger integration isn’t fully set up yet, and […]