Ever voted in a church? I did last year. I’ll be honest here, it was really close to my house, we’re talking all of a few blocks. Given the choice, […]

A few days ago the BBC ran an article about Egyptian “virginity tests” (emphasis theirs). Amnesty International, which first reported the checks in March, called the comments abusive and insulting. The […]

New Scientist TV: Born to be Viral: Beetle in death battle against toad Here’s the description from New Scientist: It takes guts to prey on a live animal much larger […]

All of the verses referenced in the picture are from the New Testament, but don’t worry, there is plenty of misogyny in the Talmud and the Qu’ran as well. I […]

As a child I attended Vacation Bible School (VBS) most summers. One summer in college while I was working with a church in central Oregon I was tasked with helping […]

For those of us in the US, today is Memorial Day. A day set aside to honor those who gave their lives in the service of their country to protect […]

To put it simply a debunker is someone who follows their skeptical intuition without any investigation to reject claims of the supernatural, paranormal, and otherwise unlikely. In other words, debunkers […]