
Happy Darwin Day everyone! On this day in 1809 the man who first described evolution by natural selection, the bedrock of modern biology and medicine, was born. This was even […]

At least someone on the far right is finally admitting to being afraid of science and technology. And for the record, I still think Beck probably needs medicated.

The latest from Jesus and Mo

One of my professors in the seminary used this argument in the “Issues and Origins” class. This was after the class had already convinced me of the truth of evolution, […]

There is so much misinformation out there about vaccines, heck, I even came across some on my Facebook feed while working on this. So for starters let’s look the legitimate […]

Considering the fact that yet another doomsday prediction has come and gone without any fulfillment, I’m going to make two predictions for next year (2013) that I am quite confident […]

It’s December 21, 2012, the are no asteroids, meteorites, massive earthquakes, tsunamis, or any shocking news, it looks like the world is not ending today. Heck, the news is actually […]