
This applies to anyone using a feed reader. Since I am finally giving the blog some attention I am moving the feed from Feedburner to If you only want […]

I last tried to relaunch the blog in 2014 and didn’t take it past saying I was going to start up again. Alright, well now it’s going to happen. One […]

The podcast is moving to a new host and taking the blog with it. Since the blog is not really active, I decided to use it as a test. Everything […]

As I’m sure you’ve all noticed I’ve been pretty quiet here. I was very busy with work until I lost my job nearly three months ago, the podcast took precedence […]

Last month I took a break so as to let the creative juices come back, but the last two weeks have been very busy at work and this week is […]

I’ve had a busy summer and still have more a head of me with another trip this weekend. I’m tired and I don’t want the stress to get to me […]

There were two separate issues. For about an hour this morning, there was an internal network issue at the data center at the hosting company that resulted in a loss […]

When I started using CloudFlare I was very pleased to find that I have a much larger readership than I previously thought, turns out it’s around 1000 visitors a day. […]

I’ve decided to stop specifically covering science topics on Tuesdays. The multi-story science news posts like I’ve done for almost a year and a half (although not very regularly lately) […]

Today’s earlier downtime was due to a DDoS attack against the data center that dwnomad is hosted on. To help minimize the vulnerability the hosting company is doing some upgrades […]