Last week I wrote about how technology can change my nephew’s life. Some of the technology is available now, but for some of it we will have to wait. While […]

Some of you may have seen some questionable comments before I was able to mark them as spam. Paul saw one this morning and thinks it’s the infamous troll known […]

A reporter actually got to talk to Camping for a few minutes. But today, almost 18 hours after he thought he’d be in Heaven, there was Camping, “flabbergasted” in Alameda, […]

Nobody rose into the sky. No tombs were opened. There was a magnitude 6.1 earthquake on the Kermadec Islands in the South Pacific Island (although it was actually May 22) […]

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Clergy-Matic Ecclesi-Action Center 3:16 Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog Video Archive Colbert is a Catholic, so […]

Keeping in line with the Millerite Movement 2.0 theme, it’s got to suck for Harold Camping and his followers. By now it’s already 6:00 pm around much of the world. […]