I’ve had a busy summer and still have more a head of me with another trip this weekend. I’m tired and I don’t want the stress to get to me […]

At the very core of religion, well, at least conservative Christianity and a lot of your more common apologetic methods, are a series of logical fallacies: Ad hominem – “All […]

Sounds pretty good too me, even if it might be a bit too liberal.

I must have been insane to start a podcast in may with how busy of a month this has been. Right now I’m at my parents’ place in Southern Oregon […]

There’s a certain point where reason doesn’t have a chance to succeed. That’s when it’s time to just let them have a taste of their own bullshit. For example, a […]

There were two separate issues. For about an hour this morning, there was an internal network issue at the data center at the hosting company that resulted in a loss […]

Anyone who has ever gone through a conversion or deconversion has experienced an epistemological crisis. An epistemological system is the mental framework you use to evaluate information, essentially it’s how […]