Fight absurdity with absurdity

There’s a certain point where reason doesn’t have a chance to succeed. That’s when it’s time to just let them have a taste of their own bullshit.

For example, a friend had two women gang up on her and their argument for why there must be a god of some sort was, “How can you explain how a baby is made inside a woman’s body, grows inside it, and is born into a human?”

Really? That’s as crazy as O’Riley’s tide goes in bit.

My friend responded with an anatomy and physiology lesson, you know science. While that’s good, when she shared the story, I suggested to try this next time: “Wow, even after so many billion tries he’s horrible at it. Just look at how many miscarriages, still births, and birth defects there are.”

Even your standard Christian response of “oh, that’s because of sin” wouldn’t work because if God’s making the baby, then he’s responsible for what comes out.

1 Comment

  1. Haha! Yeah. We should start blaming God for all the fuck-ups. The one-upmanship of science explaining things that faith cannot doesn’t seem to work with the most stubborn of theists, so we might as well play the one-downmanship game. “God sure sucked at this one! What was he, drunk at the time? Jesus.” 😉

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