Absurd and Implausible

There’s more than one way to try to get under the skin of an atheist, although I have a hard time imagining any of them being anything more than annoying. […]

“As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.” I have a rather annoying discussion about ethics going on on Facebook. Of course, he made a Hitler […]

The FDA has now approved the use of Truvada, the combination of tenofovir and emticitabine, as a prophylaxis based on the outcome of two large clinical trials that have found […]

If you are in or around Omaha, NE the first weekend of August, check out the Midwest Freethought Conference. The Midwest Freethought Conference is coming up (all too quickly) on […]

My tattoo

To commemorate the fifth anniversary of my leaving the seminary and leaving religion behind, I got my first tattoo on Friday.

This will make more sense if you read yesterday’s blog post first. Five years ago today, when my roommate on the trip to Mexico woke up, we chatted about what […]