I’m at the Squatters brew pub at the SLC airport and the bar tender helped guide me to the right beer. It’s called Outer Darkness and it is a very […]

The last time I was in Utah (at least outside of the airport) my beer tastes weren’t very sophisticated, that’s changed. I am a bit of a connoisseur, the type […]

DarkMatter2525 does great videos, here’s the latest amazing and hillarous video that make me forget for a second that I’m in Hell (the worst place imaginable kind of hell, not […]

Boy Scouts Emulate Catholics The Los Angeles Times broke a story Sunday that has really, really pissed me off. The LA Times had access to 1,600 confidential Boy Scouts of […]

Muslims claim that Islam is the religion of peace, but let’s look the record on the current debacle. An American violates his parole to make a film critical of Islam […]