Lighthouses > Churches – Courts, Jobs, & Congrats

I Was in Court All Day…
I spent 10 hours yesterday (09-19-12) at the local Superior Court – most of that in a court room. Got there at 7am and didn’t leave til after 5pm. As a prospective juror, I had a lot of time to sit around and think about getting sworn in. I’ve never been sworn in before and I was not sure what to expect. Swearing in always included god whenever I used to watch TV. I was fully prepared to ask for the secular version of the oath if it came to that. Even though it would have singled me out as an odd duck in the pool of 41 other possible candidates, I was rather looking forward to standing up for myself.

Gotta say this: I’ve wanted to be on a jury for ages. Yes I’m weird. I don’t care. But, just as much as I wanted to be on a jury, I wanted to make a public delcaration of not being in the christian majority… Even if it was detrimental to my chance of being on the jury.

The time to swear in my group came around 1030. The judge’s near monotone voice read out the secular oath and we all affirmed. Rather exciting, but damn… I was kinda hoping to speak out. Does that make me a dick? Prolly so. Oh well.

Being sworn in with the secular oath got me curious though. So I talked with three bailiffs, an assistant DA, and a judge’s assistant. Only the oldest judge even adds god but will defer to the secular oath as needed. Even better, none of them have you place your hand on a bible.

It seems there is no law on the books in Washington State that requires the secular oath – they just typically do it. Congrats to the Superior Court in bum-fuck nowhere for keeping the Jesus out of my courts. Most of this was explained to me by a former bailiff turned assistant. I studied her “FAITH” stamped dog tags and cross around her neck as I listened to her say people of other faiths come in from time to time and they appreciate the alternative oath.

Oh, and in the pool of 42 total candidates, I was #39. Being that far down in the list, I didn’t get elected to serve… and I still had better odds of getting on the jury than Mitt has of getting elected to President.


Repubs Block Jobs Bill for Vets
The Senate republicans blocked another jobs bill Wednesday. The Veteran’s Jobs Corps Act of 2012 was aimed at employing veterans in a variety of jobs that would suit their training and military discipline. The relatively small cost of 1 billion dollars over 5 years would have helped to get the vets into the fire department, police, historic site preservation, resource management, and many other things. Military veterans have a higher rate of unemployment vs the rest of the nation.

The bill needed 60 votes to move on. All the Democrats, both Independents, and even a couple Republicans broke rank and voted for it. In the end, they were two votes short. This very same jobs bill was voted to move forward on September 11th with a 95-1 in favor vote. This complete reversal of the Republican party in one weeks time is disgusting to say the least.

It seems to me the Republicans are continuing to make the economy as bad as possible in the run to the election. That seems to be the only way that Mitt has a chance to win – if he would stop shooting himself in the foot.


Congrats to the Minnesotans United
Congratulations on their first television commercial. In it, John and Kim – Catholics, Republicans, and living in the ‘burbs – talk about the positive experiences they had with their new homosexual neighbors. The gay couple had even previously adopted a child – and get this – the apocalypse didn’t come. 😉 John & Kim go on to say they are now in favor of gay marriage rights. They are no less religious or republican, but they now feel differently on this issue.

Seriously though, Minnesotans United can use your help. They need a large chunk of money to keep the commercial on the air. Can you help? Think about donating. And, if you live in Minnesota, sign up and help this group!


Feel free to email me, add me on Google+, or Facebook.


  1. I was testified in a felony trial when I lived in Tacoma. I too was curious and worried about the oath, also expecting god version. I was still pretty fresh as an atheist and not all that outspoken yet, however I was unwilling to purger myself, especially in the very statement that I wouldn’t purger myself.

    I was very pleased when they gave me the secular oath by default.

  2. That’s why I dodged jury duty when I was 20… Was afraid to have god in there.

    I’m going to be calling in to see if I can get on a jury early from now on.

    Damn you Sean Faircloth for making me feel patriotic again.

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