
I have been really geeking it out for the last little bit, well a little more than usual. First off, my HTPC fried. I was able to isolate it to […]

As I’m sure you’ve all noticed I’ve been pretty quiet here. I was very busy with work until I lost my job nearly three months ago, the podcast took precedence […]

I’m at the Squatters brew pub at the SLC airport and the bar tender helped guide me to the right beer. It’s called Outer Darkness and it is a very […]

The last time I was in Utah (at least outside of the airport) my beer tastes weren’t very sophisticated, that’s changed. I am a bit of a connoisseur, the type […]

Idaho’s education system sucks and for the last three years Education Superintendent Tom Luna and Governor Butch Otter have been whittling away at the funding for Idaho schools. As a […]

This is a few years old, but damn, it sure is fitting this year. I really wish people would stop with the 2012 bullshit. The Mayan calendar ran 12 and […]

In case you think these are all the ridiculous Utah liquor laws, there are more. The sale of alcohol on Sundays and election days is illegal. It’s also illegal for […]