Atheist Only Tells You What I’m Not

When I say that I’m an atheist, all you learn is one thing I don’t believe. So what am I?

I am an atheist because I do not believe in a god or gods.

I am an agnostic because I do not see any evidence for the existence of divine beings, yet acknowledge the inability of the scientific method to test for things which are supernatural.

I am a skeptic because I will only accept a proposition to be true if the evidence supports it.

I am a freethinker because I try to base my opinions on science, logic, and reason.

I am a naturalist because the evidence supports a material universe governed by natural laws. The evidence does not support a supernatural or magical realm.

I am a humanist because I believe in doing good for goodness sake.

I am a secularist because I believe that a free society requires both the freedom of and freedom from religion. The government has no place interfering in religious matters and dogma has no place in governmental policies.


  1. Very nice love the blog man ill be sharing it with everyone i can

  2. I've enjoyed your blog very much over the past two days of reading it and look forward to more in the future. You explain yourself very well above and I feel that it does an excellent job of describing myself as well and I hope you don't mind if I use some of it. Best, CG

  3. I'm glad you like it. If it describes you, then it describes you. That means it's your's as much as it's mine, that being said, credit is nice.

  4. Dustin, just heard your spot over at the living after faith podcast and thought I'd check into your blog. I completely agree with Chris in that what you've written is spot-on. I've often told people that the label of atheist is only derived from my disbelief in one particular area and doesn't shed any light on who I am, only one thing I am not. Glad to have your blog to go to as a positive place to uplift myself and learn more; keep spreading the good news!

  5. Very nice love the blog man ill be sharing it with everyone i can

  6. Very nice love the blog man ill be sharing it with everyone i can

  7. I'm glad you like it. If it describes you, then it describes you. That means it's your's as much as it's mine, that being said, credit is nice.

  8. Very nice love the blog man ill be sharing it with everyone i can

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