Study Shows New Leading Cause for Job Loss

As we all know, in this economy jobs are hard to find. Immigration both legal and illegal from Mexico is also causing added strain on our limited job availability. A recent study* has shown a surprising cause of this problem. All around Mexico there are day laborers and construction workers who make a mere $10 – $15 per day and this is enough for them to support their large families. As it turns out Americans are taking their jobs.

Each year during the spring and summer, thousands of Christian teens from the US go on mission trips and work on various construction projects, such as building houses and churches. Lets think about this in terms of a relatively small group of 20 teens.

They will probably work about half as efficiently as a the average adult laborer, so each day is about 10 “man days.” If the trip involves only five days of work then you are looking at the loss of 50 days work for one laborer. This works out to a loss of 10 weeks of work. After loosing 10 weeks of work, who wouldn’t feel the need to move north and seek revenge? Yes, they are forced to do this by taking the potential jobs of those kids that cost them theirs.

If you are a Christian and care about protecting jobs both here in the US and  Mexico then stop sending your kids to take their jobs. Instead, sit back on your couch and write them a check for as much money as you would waste on sending your kids down there. If on the other hand, your goal is to expose your children to a different culture, then take them down their on a vacation and spend the money supporting the local economy while getting some quality family time in.

Save the economy by sitting on your ass!

*Note – This is not based on any actual study. It’s Friday, so it’s time to post some satire.