So far on this blog I have focused mostly on religion, but for the next few weeks we’ll be expanding out into the realm of pseudoscience, woo, bunk, and other […]

Would anybody be interested in a live discussion on Skype? If so I’ll be online this Thursday 01/13/11 from 8:00 – 9:00 pm MST for about an hour. My Skype […]

I wonder how long it’ll be before I end up using that line… I’m curious, would my atheist readers date a Christian and would my Christian readers date an atheist? […]

I’ve seen on FaceBook people “liking” “God’s last name is not ‘Dammit’“. Uh…Duh! Of course if you want to be taken seriously, then at least learn the name of your […]

Feburary 20 has been dubbed a religion free day: Every day more troubles are reported in the world that are directly caused by religion. Whether you are an atheist, an […]