When I first launched the blog somebody asked me, “Where do you believe the 10 Commandments came from if not of a divine source?” For reference here’s the ten commandments […]

Recently I had a conversation about metaphysics with a pagan co-worker. Yes, I know it’s dangerous to speak of such things at work, but after I heard him mention that […]

Listverse has a list of Top 10 New years Resolutions they are: 1. Spend Time with Loved Ones2. Get Fit3. Lose Weight4. Stop Smoking5. Enjoy Life More6. Stop Drinking7. Get […]

David Fitzgerald, author of Nailed, recently posted an except from his book at Atheism Resource. It’s a good read, so go check it out. You may also notice that the […]

When I was checking in to the ER on Tuesday one of the questions I was asked in registration was what my religious preference was. I quickly responded, “atheist,” but […]

I hear that of the three below ads, only two are actually going to be posted, but all three are true. (Via The Flyswatter Show) Sorry I didn’t get anything […]

If you enjoyed the “Jesus Who?” series then you may want to check out some of the following resources. If there are any good ones I missed, feel free to […]

A while back I did a piece on the faith of a child, today we’ll cover the curiosity of a child. There is certain point where every kid switches from […]