The video below is difficult to watch, but if you can, do it for the entertainment value. “Insane list” is right. Just take “Teach how to dream/believe” and “teach critical […]

Whether you call it the atheism visibility movement, atheist activism, or being an asshole, there are some important things we can do by being vocal about the fact that we […]

With all the murderous crowds clamoring at the malls in a fit of materialistic rage, I have to admit that it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

To those of us in the US, I hope your enjoying your turkey, stuffing, yams, and time with friends and family. This year I’m joining some friends and I’m bringing […]

Here’s the story of Malala, the incredible inspiring Pakistani young woman who simply wanted an education:

This time Mr. Deity returns to his Mormon roots…enjoy. Ha! I beat Wesley once again, sadly I probably won’t be fortunate enough to get a comment from Brian Dalton…