Bring back the electric shock therapy!

The video below is difficult to watch, but if you can, do it for the entertainment value.

“Insane list” is right. Just take “Teach how to dream/believe” and “teach critical thinking”, they’re mutually exclusive. He then ends with a “dream lab”? That blackboard contains the deranged scribbles of a madman!

I’m not one to pine over the “good old days”, but there was a time where something like that would land you in an insane asylum awaiting electroshock therapy. Now we have pills for that and it seems obvious that Glenn Beck just might need a prescription or two.

1 Comment

  1. Holy shit… he did everything but say “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any more.”

    Of course, education is the problem. That is the root of all problems in his eyes.

    Crazy sick fuck.

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