They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but I guess you also can’t teach a congressman history. This is part of what Congressman Mike Simpson included in […]

Aside from the fact that prayer doesn’t do anything, t-shirts and bumper stickers asking people to pray for the President shouldn’t be all that bad, right? Of course, they don’t […]

Today marks the 235th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. That’s right, for those of us in the US, today is Independence Day! That declaration was signed a year into a blood […]

It’s interesting that in the current marriage debate, conservatives are fighting for the traditional Judeo-Christian (Biblical) concept of marriage. One man and one woman. So if we look at what […]

I’m sure by now all of you have seen the news that New York has become the 7th state to legalize same sex marriage. During the debate in the Republican […]

By now you all know that I think it’s a good thing for atheists to be out of the proverbial closet. I’ve had a scarlet letter lapel pin for a […]

From my back yard in Boise I have quite the nice view of the foothills and Table Rock. It’s nice, except for one eye sore. It’s a 2100W six story […]