Today is the International Day against Stoning. Organized by Maryam Namazie. There is currently a woman in Iran, Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtinani who has been sentenced to death by stoning. The […]

I think it’s time that I admit my arachnophobia. I had a reminder of it when I sat down on the couch a few days ago (okay, right before writing […]

Just to rub it in, while you’re reading this comic, I’m on a mountain in Central Oregon camping by a lake…Ah, so that’s how heaven and hell first came about… […]

dwnomad has been live for a year. Some of you have been reading since the beginning, but I’m sure most of you have come along some time since then. Blogging is […]

When you think about geo-political, national, patriotic, and other era defining events, programs, and campaigns, there is only one that, at least until now spans my entire life. The Berlin […]

By now I’m sure you’ve all heard about “The Ledge.” A movie that’s coming to theaters in just 2 days, that is if you’re in LA or NYC. For the […]