It’s that most wonderful time of the year where people of various ages enjoy some of their favorite myths, whether it’s a virgin birth or some old guy spanning the […]

The amazing and articulate Christopher Hitchens has died today at the age of 62 from complications of pnumonia after a long battle with cancer. I just found out while out […]

There’s no reason to throw the metaphorical baby out with the bathwater, although when it comes to a secular retaking of Christmas throwing out the baby Jesus wouldn’t be a […]

**Editor’s note – Wesley’s column is being called “Lighthouses > Churches.” For normal people that would obviously read, “Lighthouses are greater than Churches,” but to a Linux geek like me […]

I’m sure you’re familiar with C.S. Lewis’ trichotomy about Jesus: liar, lunatic, or lord. Let’s break that down then see if we can’t come up with another option. LiarThe basic […]

In case you think these are all the ridiculous Utah liquor laws, there are more. The sale of alcohol on Sundays and election days is illegal. It’s also illegal for […]