I last tried to relaunch the blog in 2014 and didn’t take it past saying I was going to start up again. Alright, well now it’s going to happen. One […]

There are a lot of issues that have been going on American and international politics lately, but since off topicĀ for the podcast I’ve kept pretty quiet on a lot of […]

I have been really geeking it out for the last little bit, well a little more than usual. First off, my HTPC fried. I was able to isolate it to […]

The podcast is moving to a new host and taking the blog with it. Since the blog is not really active, I decided to use it as a test. Everything […]

As I’m sure you’ve all noticed I’ve been pretty quiet here. I was very busy with work until I lost my job nearly three months ago, the podcast took precedence […]

If you’ve never been to one, then you really should. They are truly awesome. If you feel alone, isolated, or powerless as a non-believer in this seemingly Christian nation, going […]

Happy Darwin Day everyone! On this day in 1809 the man who first described evolution by natural selection, the bedrock of modern biology and medicine, was born. This was even […]