I did another interview with the Chariots of Iron podcast. Feel free to check it out: Episode 60: From Adventist to Apostate, Part 2 With Dustin Williams If you missed […]

Please watch the video in its entirety before reading my comments.  I am not ashamed to say that this video brought a few tears to my eye. Growing up, I […]

Science is by nature naturalistic. That is, it rejects supernatural explanations and attempts to find natural explanations. Some view this as a short coming of science, while others see it […]

Rather than share a link to some scientific article today, I’d rather elaborate on one of the things that I talked about in my Yellowstone video. When I was a […]

Free will is the view that humans can make contra-causal decisions and actions. That is, make decisions contrary to any kind of causation. Determinism is the view that humans make […]