So, Christine O’Donnell’s campaign is challenging people to find the separation of church and state in the Consititon. Here’s a quote from the press release about the challenge: O’Donnell called […]

He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never […]

Since my blog’s readership as best as I can tell is about evenly spit between atheists and a few Christians who accept evolution and conservative Christians (mostly Adventists) who buy […]

Sorry if you’ve already seen this on just about every atheist blog, but I couldn’t resist using it for this weeks satire. (Source

I can’t believe that a candidate for the US Senate doesn’t even know the 1st Amendment. The Tea Party’s pick of this shining star is a great example of what […]

Today I have received two comments from people pointing out my ignorance. One was related to a post from last month dealing with evolution the other was regarding today’s post […]