
There’s a certain point where reason doesn’t have a chance to succeed. That’s when it’s time to just let them have a taste of their own bullshit. For example, a […]

Anyone who has ever gone through a conversion or deconversion has experienced an epistemological crisis. An epistemological system is the mental framework you use to evaluate information, essentially it’s how […]

Absurd and Implausible

There’s more than one way to try to get under the skin of an atheist, although I have a hard time imagining any of them being anything more than annoying. […]

“As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.” I have a rather annoying discussion about ethics going on on Facebook. Of course, he made a Hitler […]

If you are in or around Omaha, NE the first weekend of August, check out the Midwest Freethought Conference. The Midwest Freethought Conference is coming up (all too quickly) on […]

My tattoo

To commemorate the fifth anniversary of my leaving the seminary and leaving religion behind, I got my first tattoo on Friday.