Lighthouses > Churches – Catholic Lady Priests

Working in a Broken System
The Roman Catholic Womenpriests just ordained their first two women Catholic priests in Los Angles. I might as well say Bozo the Clown ordained them since the Vatican would never recognize either group… Bozo at least has a chance with the Vatican since Bozo is a dude.

These female priests have no authority within the church and they cannot actually serve in a Catholic Church as I recall. There is no system for them to work inside once they become priestified (it’s a word – look it up in a few years). When women get ordained, they become part of the system that is keeping women down. To do anything else is yet again proving just how Catholic they are not.

Yeah, I’m kinda on a rant here, I admit it. I recall talking about another woman priest that they ordained a couple months ago to great fanfare and I still don’t get it. The Catholic power structure continues to show it not want women in their ranks. Why can’t this group grasp this single, consummate detail? Sit down in the pews and shut up. That’s what Ratzinger wants. I’ll even give 20-1 odds that the Catholic Church will become a meaningless husk or destroyed completely before they let women wear their funny dresses.

What I’m getting at is this group of women are no longer Catholics – try as they might. I support their want for equality, but it’s a doomed proposition within the Catholic framework. Wish they would just split off completely and become more milquetoast. Get on a pro-science / education kick… While we’re at it, pro-birth control (at least not against it) would be nice. And, finally start to correct the sexism and molestation issues that seem to be a hallmark of the Catholic institution.

Holy shit… Catholic is the Apple of the religious world. They worship one man, even after death (Jobs). They wear weird clothing (Hipsters – I’m looking at you). They believe the source is perfect even though there are severe flaws (IOS6 – I’m looking at you). Their fallen angel is far less evil than their leader (Woz – I’m looking at you, you teddybear). I could do this all day.


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  1. Come on, Wesley, do it. Do that last bit all day.

    1. You just like me calling Woz a teddybear…

      They spend the same amount on legal fees (West Texas – I’m looking at you). They both have long indoctrination periods and use weird lingo (Apple Store – I’m looking at you). They both employ large PR machines to control spin. (Every person in the pews with an iphone – I’m looking at you). Their users MRI brain scans look identical. No, really (TechSpot – I’m looking at you).

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