Not So Biblical Highway Evangelism

There’s an electronic “Highway Evangelism” billboard along I-84 in Nampa, ID. Unfortunately I have to drive past this hideous eyesore (sorry no pictures) every week when I head to my freethought group’s meetings. It usually displays a Bible verse, but other times it’s got some cheesy phrase on it. I’ll be honest, I’m often amused by the lameness and inaccuracy of what they post.

For example, they recently posted something along the lines of “God’s anger lasts a moment, but his love lasts forever.”

Cheesy? Yep. Inaccurate? Well, anytime you’re talking about your imaginary friend, you can say whatever you want. Unfortunately for them, that doesn’t match up with the god of the Bible.

He punishes the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation (Numbers 14:18, NIV).

So unless your idea of a “moment” is three or four generations long, then to say that God gets over his anger quickly is just not consistent with the Bible. Well, there is one exception. Some times he’d get over his anger after having the person or people he’s mad at brutally slaughtered, especially when their children are included.

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