
Tim Minchin is on tour here in the US, in fact this weekend he’s in the Northwest. Seattle Yesterday and Portland today. I’m quite jealous. Hell, if I’d heard about this sooner I probably would have taken the weekend off and headed up I-84 to see him perform.

I spent some time yesterday evening checking out some of his songs on Youtube. To my surprise I came across one that I had really enjoyed back in my days as a believer. I have to say, I like it so much better when it’s performed by an atheist musician/comedian.

On second thought, the girls who would sing it at church (especially in college) were always really hot…

Anyway, here’s something that even my Christian readers should be able to enjoy:

I’m curious, does the fact that it’s sung by an outspoken atheist critic of religion change the song for you, either for better or worse?