What’s Your Sentence?

Don’t worry, it’s not about the legal, punitive type of sentence…

Two questions that can change your life from Daniel Pink on Vimeo.

This was sent to me at work, it had come down the chain from HR. I gave it some thought and I need to think about it some more so I can come up with something more work related, but here’s what I want mine to be:

He inspired people and freed them from dogma.

Each day that I get another blog post up or at least work on an upcoming post is a day that is better than the last. Each day that I get one more feed subscriber or see the trend in site visits increase is better than the last. I have a lot of work to do (that’s good considering I’m only 26), but I think I’m on my way.

Damn, I really need to get started on that book. My goal would be to have the rough draft done in a year and hopefully have it published in two or three. So that you can help keep me accountable, I’ll try to post an update on the progress around the first of each month.