Friendly Atheist recently had a post about a House Resolution to reaffirm the national motto, here’s what I wrote to Representative Mike Simpson (R-ID2): Dear Representative Mike Simpson, I am […]

In a few minutes I’ll be recording with Chariots of Iron, I’ll be sure to let you all know when it’s released. For today’s satire, we’ve got a comic from […]

I’ve worked 11 days strieght with the business trip to Rexburg in the middle of it. I’m exhausted but I do have a three day weekend. I’ve got a podcast […]

Saturday’s piece on the meaning of life was purely satire, but I have been continuing to think about that topic, and would like to argue that the meaning of life […]

So this very Mormon town I’m in is Rexburg, ID. It feels more foreign than Canada and maybe even England. In downtown I saw a banner in front of a […]

Ricky Gervais on why it shouldn’t offend people that he’s an atheist. (Via Atheist Media Blog) I would comment more on this topic, but I’m tired and need to go […]

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy has the famous line that “Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything” is 42. I recently had an inquisitive […]