In case you haven’t been following the news, here’s the scoop: The FY 2011 Federal Budget hasn’t been passed yet. The US Government has been operating on resolutions that allow […]

I’m still pissed off at the Republican party. It’s been a while since I quit identifying with them. There was a time when they were the party of personal liberty […]

There was a time when I was pretty firmly pro-life. To be honest, it was more out of highly irrational selfish motivations than religious motivations (the SDA church is officially […]

Chariots of Iron is doing a contest to see who can come up with the best answers to any three of the 85 questions from Roger Nygard’s The Nature of […]

A few weeks ago I did a post about how to respond to various Christan questions and “God bless you.” Well, a couple days ago I was working on something […]

I’ve seen this (or a similar) bumper sticker a few times on somebody’s car in the customer parking lot at work. I’ve almost snapped a picture of it, since all […]

I hope you didn’t miss the recent news out of Salt Lake. The governor of Utah made some recent remarks that the president of the LDS church didn’t take kindly […]