So I’ve been trying to take a little bit of a break from the blog, but that obviously hasn’t worked out very well. I haven’t cut back anywhere near as […]

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is suing Governor Rick Perry (R-TX). In particular they want him to be prevented “from continuing to call, organize, promote and participate in the Aug. […]

Christian apologist Josh McDowell was  recently complaining about the greatest threat to Christianity. In their usual style, Jesus and Mo really put it into prospective:

Tuesday night I had a chicken salad sandwich and unfortunately I didn’t know that would contain chunks of apple. I didn’t figure it out until about half way through. I […]

The theme I tried after the one with the distractingly fuzzy picture of a very nice mountain in the background conflicted with Disqus. This resulted in comments not being visible […]

There are a few comments that I’ve received on the Reader Survey so far that I’d like to respond to: In response to “How could I improve the blog? Running […]

As a heads up the West Valley Freethinkers is in the process of arranging an interview with a reporter from the Idaho Post Tribune. The paper and the reporter have […]

I’ve now been doing this blog for just over a year and this is the 411th post I’ve done. Granted, not all of them have included my original content (videos, […]