Even though I’ve run Folding@Home a few times before, I never did for very long. This time around I started last Monday in the Atheists, Skeptics, & Humanists team (182116) […]

If God is the source of morality, let’s see how he measures up…(Via Atheist Media Blog)

Unless you’re very new to the blog you know I hate spiders. I am right now dealing with what may be the  worst flair up of tendinitis in my toe since I […]

Yesterday I went with 10 members of the local atheist community representing West Valley Freethinkers, Idaho Atheists, and Humanists of Idaho to the Northwest “Science” Museum. Proposed Design of the Northwest Science […]

When I saw the headline, my first thought was, “of course they are.” After all, Windows is the most popular operating system and comes preinstalled on just about all of […]

In any discussion it’s always important to remember who has the burden of proof. In the case of someone asserting that something exists that someone else doesn’t believe exists, whether […]

Christian apologist and Anglican priest John R.W. Stott passed has passed away at the age of 90. This may seem odd that I would even care, but his book, The […]

I hold back some times, actually a lot. I try to keep this blog focused on atheism, religion, skepticism, secularism, and science. I have a collection of at least 30 […]