Last night Senator Mike Crappo (R-ID) was arrested for driving under the influence when he ran a red light, failed several field sobriety tests, and blew a .11%. It would […]

Why o why are guns still legal!!!! They have one purpose to kill. Anyone who is still supporting the right to bear arms and kill children needs to see a shrink.

I’m sure everyone is tired of hearing about this by now, but the issue of gun related violence and the terror caused by mass (or at least public) shootings is […]

Considering the fact that yet another doomsday prediction has come and gone without any fulfillment, I’m going to make two predictions for next year (2013) that I am quite confident […]

It’s December 21, 2012, the are no asteroids, meteorites, massive earthquakes, tsunamis, or any shocking news, it looks like the world is not ending today. Heck, the news is actually […]

It’s axial title. That’s right, because our world’s rotational axis isn’t aligned with the sun, those of us in the upper latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere get very cold short […]

The Atheist Pig If you have not checked out Winston, the atheist pig, you owe it to yourself to read the rest of them.

On December 15, 1933 the 21st Amendment to the US Constitution went into effect. That’s the Amendment that repealed the prohibition of alcohol. One thing that’s kind of surprising, the […]

Let me see if I got this straight, the people who get angry phone calls and death threats are the bullies?