My contact form has been neglected lately, people who have wanted to get a hold of me have just gone with the much easier and simple method of emailing me […]

Osama bin Laden was a bad guy and a terrorist so we killed him. Two American citizens tied with Al Qaeda were recently killed by a CIA drone. Iran kills people for […]

From Hugh Kramer: Bishop Robert W. Finn, head of the diocese of Kansas City, was indicted by a grand jury yesterday on charges that he failed to reporting child pornography […]

There’s been some debate back and forth on several atheists blogs recently* about whether or not atheists should have rites, rituals, and chaplains. The argument for it, led by the […]

Yesterday was the day that the world was supposed to end according to Harold Camping’s latest prophecies, Yet, amazingly we’re all still here. No rapture. No Apocalypse. No zombie descended on a cloud […]

For those of you who aren’t very familiar with Boise, there are a lot of Mormons here, and also a lot of ex-Mormons. So in my time here I’ve become […]

Work’s been absolutely brutal lately. It’s got to be bad to get in the way of blogging…anyway here’s something and hopefully I’ll have time to get tomorrow’s rant ready. The […]

Sorry, just haven’t had much time lately. So here’s the brief Tuesday Science News: The microbes that allow Giant Pandas to digest cellulose, they are bears after all and physiologically […]