The story in Genesis of the “Fall of Man” is a story of magical fruit. There is the fruit of the “Tree of Life” and the fruit of the “Tree […]

Let’s look at some statistics from the ARIS 2008 report: Christians make up 76% of the US population.The non-religious make up 20%.Other religions make up 4%. How about the Christian […]

In the Tuesday segment my initial thought was to cover recent scientific discoveries, but it’s also of relevance to address and debunk pseudoscience. Kent Hovind, aka Dr. Dino, formerly of […]

Then man said, “Let us create god in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the wind and the rain and the thunder and lightning and […]

Here is another video from Carl Sagan, enjoy! As a side note, the Galileo Was Wrong site is back up!

One of the hopes I had with this blog was to open a dialogue, instead I haven’t gotten all that much feed back. There have been several comments and I […]

Are humanism and the principle of reciprocity (the Golden Rule) compatible with evolution? This is a topic had I planned on covering in this series but I got busy and […]

Apparently religion and it’s claims should be taken seriously in a scientific debate, even if the debate was over, what a few hundred years ago… Yep, a Geocentrist conference. What’s […]