The time of the winter solstice is the darkest of the year. It’s not just the shortest day of the year, but it’s also often cloudy, cold, and wet. It’s […]

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Blitzkrieg on Grinchitude – Gretchen Carlson & Christian Nation CHRIST-mas Tree<a> Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> […]

A few weeks ago I mentioned the The Jesus Potter Harry Christ book contest, well, it has begun. For more information, including the link to download the prerelease PDF file, […]

Jesus is revered by Christians as lord and savior, by Muslims as the second greatest prophet, by Hindus as a reincarnation of Vishnu, and by some Buddhists as a bodhisattva. […]

My favorite Christmas movie is National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Yes, it’s lame, but it’s hilarious. I was probably about 12 years old when I made it my Christmas tradition. Within […]

There are many similarities between the Gospel narrative and other ideas from around found in and around the Mediterranean in the first century CE and earlier. I previously mentioned that […]

I’ve been watching Mr. Deity on YouTube since listening to his interview on Chariots of Iron back in March. Brian Dalton really seems to have fun playing God. It’s literally […]

I was going to rant about some Church/State separation issues, but Hemant over at FriendlyAtheist has already done a good job with these. Fort Worth Transit Authority Hawaii State Senate […]

Last week, NBC’s Thursday’s sitcoms, at least Community, 30 Rock, and The Office, ran their Christmas episodes. The ads for it included soundbites such as, “It’s not Happy Holidays. It’s […]