
“My observation on minorities: A man/nation is judged by how they support those weaker than them not how they lean on those stronger.” Salman TaseerDecember 24, 2010 That’s a great […]

When I first launched the blog somebody asked me, “Where do you believe the 10 Commandments came from if not of a divine source?” For reference here’s the ten commandments […]

When I was checking in to the ER on Tuesday one of the questions I was asked in registration was what my religious preference was. I quickly responded, “atheist,” but […]

I was going to rant about some Church/State separation issues, but Hemant over at FriendlyAtheist has already done a good job with these. Fort Worth Transit Authority Hawaii State Senate […]

As a reminder, I offered a while back to answer questions here on the blog. Fortunately we have another one from our friend David: Hey Dustin, All of your comments […]

It’s election day, so if you haven’t voted, get off your ass and do so (unless you’re in a vote by mail state, then get off your ass and get […]

Someone suggested today that I should do rants on Fridays, so here I go. This email I recently recently seems like some good fodder. Shock to NBC this morning. This […]