
Mubarak has resigned and handed over power to the armed forces. After the announcement, he drove past Mubarak’s former palace, where crowds cheered him. He stopped briefly to thank and […]

The Washington Post had an article recently about religious hospitals. It turns out that Catholic Bishops are doing more than just trying to restrict hospitals from performing medically necessary abortions. […]

Friendly Atheist recently had a post about a House Resolution to reaffirm the national motto, here’s what I wrote to Representative Mike Simpson (R-ID2): Dear Representative Mike Simpson, I am […]

Saturday’s piece on the meaning of life was purely satire, but I have been continuing to think about that topic, and would like to argue that the meaning of life […]

As I pointed out a few months ago, despite being straight and free of physical abnormalities I was bullied through much of school, in fact it lasted from third grade […]