
The song “Santa Claus is Comin’ To Town” puts it well with: He sees you when you’re sleeping He knows when you’re awake He knows if you’ve been bad or […]

Last night Senator Mike Crappo (R-ID) was arrested for driving under the influence when he ran a red light, failed several field sobriety tests, and blew a .11%. It would […]

It’s December 21, 2012, the are no asteroids, meteorites, massive earthquakes, tsunamis, or any shocking news, it looks like the world is not ending today. Heck, the news is actually […]

It’s axial title. That’s right, because our world’s rotational axis isn’t aligned with the sun, those of us in the upper latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere get very cold short […]

The Atheist Pig If you have not checked out Winston, the atheist pig, you owe it to yourself to read the rest of them.

Let me see if I got this straight, the people who get angry phone calls and death threats are the bullies?