
Muslims claim that Islam is the religion of peace, but let’s look the record on the current debacle. An American violates his parole to make a film critical of Islam […]

Graphs are very useful in business, so on a given week I’ll have 15 – 20 graphs make their way to my inbox. Thanks to SMBC, there’s another fun idea […]

The Egyptians overthrew their dictator and we helped the Libyans overthrow theirs, here’s what their doing with their freedom of assembly and right to protest: This is all over this […]

My 5 year old nephew who has Cerebral Palsy already has an eye gaze computer that cost somewhere in the ballpark of $12,000 (courtesy of a grant from the Oregon […]

Divide and conquer can be a pretty effective tactic, but it’s best when pointed at the other side. For example when we can separate the Christians who accept scientific fact […]