
Yesterday Rebecca Watson posted some of the flack she’s been getting for the last few months since “Elevatorgate.” Not only does she get disparaging emails and comments, but there are […]

There has been a sharp increase in the amount of comments lately. This makes me very happy, and I hope it continues. It all seemed like a good time to […]

I have now been imagining no religion…or at least dreaming of it for 500 blog posts. Who would have thought I could pull that off?

I hold back some times, actually a lot. I try to keep this blog focused on atheism, religion, skepticism, secularism, and science. I have a collection of at least 30 […]

So I’ve been trying to take a little bit of a break from the blog, but that obviously hasn’t worked out very well. I haven’t cut back anywhere near as […]

The theme I tried after the one with the distractingly fuzzy picture of a very nice mountain in the background conflicted with Disqus. This resulted in comments not being visible […]

There are a few comments that I’ve received on the Reader Survey so far that I’d like to respond to: In response to “How could I improve the blog? Running […]

I’ve now been doing this blog for just over a year and this is the 411th post I’ve done. Granted, not all of them have included my original content (videos, […]

dwnomad has been live for a year. Some of you have been reading since the beginning, but I’m sure most of you have come along some time since then. Blogging is […]