I am obviously not a fan of SOPA or its Senate cousin Protect IP. Today many sites like Wikipedia and Reddit are completely blacked out, and Google’s logo is blacked out in protest. So what’s […]
I am obviously not a fan of SOPA or its Senate cousin Protect IP. Today many sites like Wikipedia and Reddit are completely blacked out, and Google’s logo is blacked out in protest. So what’s […]
Mike Lee of Religious Antagonist fame is a bit of an asshole, don’t worry, it’s not something I’m just saying behind his back, I’ve said it to his face. However, […]
It’s common for the religious right, people like my own representative in the House of Representatives, Mike Simpson (R-ID2) to make claims like: I am deeply concerned about the recent […]
In case you’ve had your head in the sand the last few days, Jessica Ahlquist, a 16 year old high school student at Cranston West High School in Rhode Island […]
I did my take on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good an Evil and I thought it was pretty good, but SMBC had to tie it in with bacon […]
There’s a horribly prevalent idea out there that atheists are just angry at God. This is based on one of the most sick and twisted sayings attributed to Jesus: Whoever […]
Bad things will certainly happen today, just like they do every day. Some people will also be more aware of bad things happening, but that’s just because they’ll be looking […]
Homeopathy? It’s NANOTECHNOLOGY!A college professor and his student from IIT Powai in Mumbai, India think they have found evidence in this video that proves homeopathy: The team bought various […]
Nakedpastor recently wrote: I like Karl Barth’s idea that the last day was the removing of the veil which separates us from perceiving the Reality that is already there. On […]