Iranian censorship
Iran will be cutting itself off from the internet by August. They already have government servers set up to replace such services as email and search, and they’ve already begun […]
Iran will be cutting itself off from the internet by August. They already have government servers set up to replace such services as email and search, and they’ve already begun […]
When religious people ask why you left your former church and became an atheist it might be a trick, then again, they just might be curious. Since then you’ve hopefully […]
Rick Santorum has suspended his campaign: While I’m quite happy that he won’t get anywhere near the presidency, I’ll miss the humor he’s provided. He’s promised to “keep fighting”, but […]
This is compared with actual scientific dilution of active ingredients found in medicines such as pain relievers (diluted in a powdery filler), allergy shots (decreasing levels of dilution as the […]
Now that Lent is over the spotted hyenas of northern Ethiopia can resume their normal diet. Scavengers that like eating scraps thrown out by humans have to adapt to changing […]
I have often thought that there was nothing anybody could have said that would have sped my departure from faith, but I think this three second clip from the late […]
Those crazy geeks are looking forward to the zombie apocalypse, but don’t they know it already happened in Jerusalem almost 2000 years ago? The tombs also were opened. And many […]
At work yesterday I had a situation where I had to inform someone from the Unification Church (the Moonies) that he couldn’t proselytize or solicit sales or “donations” on the […]
I’ve thought about this before and wondered how homophobic fundamentalists would respond to this…
Note: Facebook can be dangerous…very dangerous. I wrote the first draft of this rant after reading a status update one of my religious Facebook friends posted, then I waited a […]