
I have to say this is my favorite Religious Antagonist video, at least as far as ones that have been released so far. The “Funeral for Dead Gods” would have […]

One theological doctrine I always struggled with when I was a Christian was the trinity. It’s the Christian belief that God is in three different “persons” but they are one […]

I’m sure by now you’ve all heard that North Carolina passed Amendment 1 on Tuesday, taking a statutory ban on same sex marriage and enshrining it in their state constitution. […]

When I started using CloudFlare I was very pleased to find that I have a much larger readership than I previously thought, turns out it’s around 1000 visitors a day. […]

While marriage equality is a worthy goal, it’s an uphill battle due to the perception a lot of people have about what marriage is. Unfortunately, a person’s perception is their […]

I’ve decided to stop specifically covering science topics on Tuesdays. The multi-story science news posts like I’ve done for almost a year and a half (although not very regularly lately) […]