Lighthouses > Churches – Scientology’s slaves and Trinity’s madness

The Lost Children of Scientology
Damning accusations of severe child labor, brainwashing, and horrible living conditions. All against Scientology – and all from the heart of Australia.

Here’s the deal. If you are an adult and wish to believe in whatever quackery you like – so long as it does not affect the world around you – fine. But if this report is true, then children are being treated like slaves in the middle of suburban Sydney, Australia. Adults generally make a choice to join whatever “church” they want, but their children get brought along for the ride. Most places, it’s not so bad. Sunday school might be boring, but you are not forced to work 35 hour weeks and sleep in a garage at 8 years old. I’m sure a few people reading this went to bible camp in their teens and thought of it as a prison. I’m also sure those same people were not working 100 hours a week and sleeping in a tiny closet under a stair case.

I’ve had a rage face since I started writing this. I know I complain about the Catholics and all of their faults a lot, but damn. If this slavery is happening in Australia, you can be sure it is happening here. This Dianetics crap has to end. The IRS gave Scientology religious legitimacy after 26 years of war. Thousands of lawsuits, infiltrating the IRS with spies, bugging offices, and other illegal things. It is time to rage. Write your senators. Write the IRS. Hell, write the White House. Yank the carpet out from under David Miscavige. Speak up and watch it all come crashing down.

Trinity Broadcasting is Right with God – But Not the Law
Brittany Koper, the granddaughter of Trinity Broadcasting Network’s (TBN) Paul and Jan Crouch, has just brought a federal lawsuit against her former lawyers which still represent TBN. As the former chief financial officer, director of finance, corporate treasurer and director of human resources for Trinity Christian Center, Brittany was in a unique position within the company to find discrepancies. She discovered the attorneys had been making payments totaling over 50 million dollars worth of charitable assets being given to TBN’s directors. Brittany confronted the lawyers about this and was promptly squelched – telling her to shut up, quit, and return ever penny she earned back to TBN according to the suit.

Koper named Douglass S. Davert of Davert & Loe in Long Beach as one of the attorneys in the suit. It seems Douglass and his firm tried to put up a smoke screen by bringing a preemptive lawsuit against Brittany and her husband. It was dismissed without settlement back in January. Douglass has this statement in retort,

Her assertions are outright fiction and wholly without merit. The allegations are defamatory and to the extent they get printed we are going to defend ourselves vigorously.

So much hate and discontent from the staff and family of a religious non-profit organization that has hundreds of millions in their accounts. NO SOUP FOR YOU!

One more thing. This would normally be the time that I ask for people to get involved. But after the founder of TBN, Paul Crouch, said this next quote in an interview, perhaps we should just let this guy go.

God help anyone who would try to get in the way of TBN, which was God’s plan. I have attended the funerals of at least two people who tried.

I hope to see each and every one of you at the Northwest Free-thought Convention close to Seattle, Washington in a month & a half!


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