Lighthouses > Churches – Modeling, a culture of listening, and North Korea

Kylie Bisutti Honors Jesus
Makin’ her way / The only way she knows how / That’s just a little bit more / Than the law will allow. Sorry, Dukes of Hazzard moment there but it seems fitting. Kylie has been living her childhood dream of being a model after getting married at 19, she won the 2009 Victoria’s Secret model search competition. Along with a 10,000 dollar prize and a contract to model for Victoria’s Secret. Fast forward a couple years and hundreds (thousands?) of photos later, poor Kylie has an attack of conscious saying this is not what Jesus would want her to do with her life. Saying,

Victoria’s Secret was my absolutely biggest goal in life, and it was all I ever wanted career-wise. I actually loved it while I was there, it was so much fun and I had a blast. But the more I was modeling lingerie – and lingerie isn’t clothing – I just started becoming more uncomfortable with it because of my faith. I’m Christian, and reading the Bible more, I was becoming more **convicted about it. My body should only be for my husband and it’s just a sacred thing. I didn’t really want to be that kind of role model for younger girls because I had a lot of younger Christian girls that were looking up to me and then thinking that it was okay for them to walk around and show their bodies in lingerie to guys.

**I’m not convinced that she was convicted of anything, except in the Lord’s eyes. Kylie was born in the lovingly Christian town of Simi Valley, California. Of note, Simi Valley is just a stones throw down the road from San Fernando – the oft described “porn capital of the world” – which has nothing to do with this story. She does want to continue modeling, presumably with the caveat of more clothing… Unless you count the swimsuit and lingerie photo spread she did for FHM magazine a while back. Guess that doesn’t count. Oh, hope she rethinks those pictures on Facebook too.

Catholic Plan Against Pedophile Priests
The four day conference of Roman Catholic leaders just came to an end. Their solution to rooting out priests that have abused children is as massive and out of touch as could be. Father Francois-Xavier Dumortier says the 1.6 million dollar web site “will help to develop a culture of listening… a different face to the culture of silence.” Doesn’t that sound nice? A multilingual website that would give advice and access to research on pedophilia and how to respond to the problem.

Except for that one thing. You know, where the good priests turn the bad ones in to the police. It seems I’m not the only one saying this. Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) are suing the Pope and top Vatican officials to turn over all records to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague for prosecution. Do the crime, do the time.

Asshat of the Day
Picture this if you will. Robert Park, A man from Tucson, AZ travels to South Korea as a missionary for his church. On Christmas Day 2009, he illegally crossed the border into North Korea with a letter asking Kim Jong Il to resign from his necocracy – as Hitchens called it. Much to Park’s surprise, (God – the ‘lil bugger – apparently already knew but didn’t stop him) he was captured by the North Koreans. After 43 days of torture and humiliation in jail he was released after writing an apology to the North Korean government.

Fast forward to the present day. Robert Park is now trying to get a large sum of money by suing the North Korean Goverment for the post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) caused by his time as a captive.

Don’t get me wrong. I feel sorry for the man. Every report I’ve seen says he is a good person. In fact, if he won his case and actually received money, Park says he would use it to help North Korean refugees. But there is one thing that gobsmacks my melon every time I think about it. Why the heck is he trying to sue a sovereign country that he invaded in an admitted effort to topple their government. With that, I shake my head.

I hope to see each and every one of you at the Northwest Free-thought Convention close to Seattle, Washington in a couple months!


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