I am obviously not a fan of SOPA or its Senate cousin Protect IP. Today many sites like Wikipedia and Reddit are completely blacked out, and Google’s logo is blacked out in protest. So what’s the latest on SOPA?

Even though it keeps losing sponsors as more and more people show their disapproval and more companies (like GoDaddy) remove their approval and the White House has objected to a few provisions of the bill, Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee refuses to back down. Considering it’s an election year and how unpopular SOPA is with at least technically literate people, it makes me wonder how much money he’s getting from the MPAA and RIAA…

1 Comment

  1. …from the RIAA and MPAA.

    I'm working on that now… Sizeable amounts too

    Don't forget, godaddy is a large contributor to his fund as well.

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