1 Comment

  1. While I don't agree with Huntsman on everything, he is by far the best republican candidate. He's experienced, he served as a respected ambassador to China (which will play a role in the future of the US) and he has stated that he trusts science and believes in Evolution AND Climate Change. He's a moderate who has openly stated that he wants to work with the Democrats on many occasions.

    It is also precisely why he will never get the nomination in this current political climate. 30, hell even 20 years ago, Huntsman would probably have clinched the nomination easily. Now, he's barely talked about, barely acknowledged by the fundamentalist loving, hard right Fox News faction.

    It's a sad sight to see, even if you are a democrat – because the opposition SHOULD provide a serious alternative. And right now, there is no serious alternative to Obama, leaving him free to disappoint and go back on his word (Funny how Gitmo is still up and running, eh?). Democracy doesn't really function in a two-party system, since the winning candidate only has to be slightly better than the opponent, instead of having to be the best of a bunch. 

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