Happy Festivus! – The Airing of Grievances

Happy Festivus!

In keeping with the traditions of this most satirical of holidays we should have the Airing of Grievances. It should take place with friends and family that you have gathered around the dinner table with you, but as I am not going home for Festivus this year, I’ll have to settle for my grievances with the world!

I want to start with the world’s largest crime syndicate. None other than the Roman Catholic Church. The way they cover up the sins of the fathers and just shuffle them around from parish to parish so they have a fresh crop of children and just move them out of country if the authorities are getting smart is nothing short of horrific. The institutional obstruction of justice and refusal to take their problem of their pedophile priests seriously is a disgrace to humanity and one of the most striking examples of what is wrong with religion.

Next we have the parents of Damon Fowler and all the parents out their who’s love for their children is conditional on religious identity. That’s despicable and they should be ashamed of theirselves.

How about the Religious Right? Those rat bastards who keep trying to defund Planned Parenthood, restrict access to contraceptives, ban abortion, prevent the granting of equal rights to LGBTQ people, and interfere with fact based education like comprehensive sex ed and biology classes. They theology has no business getting legislated on the rest of us. They may be angry, bigoted, ignorant, repressed people, but they don’t need to make the rest of us suffer.

I do need to go to bed here in a few minutes (I’m writing this last night) so I don’t want this last one to get me too worked up…but the United States federal, state, and local governments, including the US Military have all seemed to have forgotten that the establishment clause does not include an exemption for Christianity. No establishment of religion means no establishment of religion.

You know what? I’ve been able to air my grievances to people around he world! It’s a Festivus Miracle!