A clear and present danger

It turns out I’ve been wrong about something all these years. In spite of our godless Constitution and the protection from religious establishment guaranteed by the First Amendment, it’s becoming quite clear that religion is the law in these United States.

We have H.Con.Res.13 which violates this congress’ rule that dictates that no ceremonial or insignificant legislation should be considered, you know to free up Congress to work on balancing the budget and funding our wars. This reaffirmation of an existing statute that has faced no legislative challenges isn’t the only one, but it’s certainly more of a kick in the crotch to godless Americans than some of the other crap they’ve wasted time on like naming Post Offices. The even had to vote on it with a suspension of the rules. As a small update, it’s been passed on to the senate and referred to committee. Of course the states don’t want to let the feds have all the fun.

I’m sure by now you’ve heard about the ballot initiative in Mississippi that if passed would have the state consitution declare that personhood begins at conception or cloning. In case your not aware, that would ban abortions regardless of the reason, such as the mother’s health and safety or if the conception was due to rape or incest. It would also have the ramifications for requiring criminal investigations for miscarriages since the negligence of the mother-to-be might have done something that caused the demise of a “person” and birth control methods that prevent the implantation of a microscopic clump of cells would be illegal, in case your not aware all forms of birth control except the pull out method and condoms can do that.

Even if this is passed it is illegal since it violates Roe vs Wade, so there should be little worries that it could stand stand. However, when a person’s life begins is not a political question, it’s a scientific one. Regardless of how you look at it, there are no secular (i.e. legal) reasons to define personhood as starting before viability or certain level of brain development. Fortunately those are just a few weeks apart, and for the sake of taking the conservative approach to the topic, that is, to error on the side of caution and the side of the definite person’s rights, if you can cut it out and it can survive then it’s a person, if you can’t then it’s not.

Then there’s Michigan. They’ve proposed a bill that would ban bullying unless it’s religiously motivated. So bullying nerds because they’re a little different would be illegal, but bullying gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, atheist, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, or pagan classmate would be just fine since your god says they’re sinful. This is Michigan where talking about, home of the Muslim dominated city of Deerborn. Under this bill a Muslim student bullying Christian student for being an infidel would be fine. It would also free up a religiously motivated white supremacist to bully black students.

Bullying kids is wrong regardless of what the reason is. Just because a god you’ve made in your own bigoted image thinks it’s okay does not make it right. Bullying damages people and it drives some to suicide. It is wrong and any bill being considered by any legislature meant to combat bullying sure better not put in any loopholes, especially if the loopholes leave those who are most at risk of bullying wide open for continued attacks.

Theocracy is not some obscure threat, it’s already trying to rear its ugly head.